Board Member

Prof. Alessandro Serretti, MD
Scientific Advisory Board
Prof. Alessandro Serretti MD, PhD, is the Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Bologna University in Italy. He is the Director of an outpatient service focused on mood disorders and the coordinator of a research unit active in clinical and genetic studies of major psychoses.
He has authored more than 600 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals in the field of Mood disorders, Schizophrenia, Genetics of Major Psychoses, Therapy and Psychopathology, one textbook of psychiatry, 15 book chapters, and over 650 presentations at meetings of which more than 150 as invited speaker or chairman. He has an H-Index of 90 and is a Highly Cited Researcher Web of Science 2019 and 2020.
He is a reviewer or member of the editorial board for 170 journals and 55 funding agencies, and has worked on more than 15 international collaborations. He is a mentor of over 50 PhD, MD, students, of which 4 have reached faculty positions. He has hosted 10 visiting researchers and has received research funding from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, IMI, Era-Net and the European Union.