Compassion streamlined

Optimize your mental health workflow

Copmpassion streamlined

Optimize your mental health workflow

Trusted by

Clinical workflow technology streamlining your existing processes

Predictix Care enables mental health practices to optimize their clinical workflow, reducing unnecessary costs and improving treatment outcomes, while allowing clinicians and patients to progress with ease, transparency, and maximum efficiency.


PREDICTIX by the numbers


Higher prescribing response rate


Of patient improve after 8 weeks


Savings in mental health costs per patient

The mental health challenge today

1 in 5

People suffer from mental disorders


Antidepressants are prescribed by non-specialists

Predictix System

Optimizing workload and reducing backlog

Optimizing workload and reducing backlog

Predictix Care offers mental health providers an unparalleled opportunity to optimize every step of the clinical flow, starting with the triage and intake process, and continuing with follow-up and patient management between meetings. This reduces backlog by up to 75% with a clinical focus on connecting people to the best care for them.

  • System-wide analytics
  • Automated clinician allocation – optimizing workload
  • Clinical prioritization dashboard
  • Scheduling and appointment management
  • Task management
  • Customizable automatic reports
  • Collated provider feedback

Personalized Care, Streamlined Operations:

Predictix Care allows providers to do more with less burnout, greater collaboration, and better patient outcomes. With automated note-taking and intelligent summaries focused on Mental Health, clinical decision support tools, and a provider dashboard for professional team collaboration, Predictix Care gives providers the tools needed to streamline their workflow. 

  • AI-supported automated patient summary
  • Clinical file management
  • Clinical overview dashboard – provider collaboration
  • Customizable workflows
  • Clinical decision support
  • Clinician notifications
  • File export and upload
  • Multi-tiered permissions in patient medical file
  • Integration for telehealth

Hear from our users

“PREDICTIX has a a brilliant way of tracking the patient between appointments so that their improvement can be monitored, allowing for measurement based care.

Dr Adil Jawad, MBBS; DPM, FRCPsych Consultant Psychiatrist

Contact Us

+972 (0)77 335 2506

Shacham St. 3, BSR City, Building Y, 10th Floor, Petah Tikva, Israel

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Let's help patients recover sooner with PREDICTIX

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