Step into the future of mental health prescribing with PREDICTIX

PREDICTIX in your clinic

Improve patient care with better clinical outcomes

Optimize time and clinical efficiency

Increase revenue with superior outcomes

HIPAA & GDPR compliant
PREDICTIX Care Remote Patient Monitoring

Assess symptom severity easily online

Manage care better remotely

Make decisions with AI-driven insights

Better monitor behavior over time
PREDICTIX has been clinically validated
See how we have helped psychiatrists
around the world
“PREDICTIX is like the cutting edge of psychiatric treatment as things stand today”
“I can tell you that it seems to be perfect to guide towards the most appropriate therapeutic choice”
“…PREDICTIX is the frontier of personalized medicine in psychiatry by delivering to psychiatrists and GPs state-of-the-art information…”
Author of “Essential Psychopharmacology”
Our resources
Make a confident mental health prescribing decision with educational information on a variety of topics related to personalized psychiatry and PREDICTIX

Clinical publications


Contact Us
+972 (0)77 335 2506
Shacham St. 3, BSR City, Building Y, 10th Floor, Petah Tikva, Israel
Get Started
Let's help patients recover sooner with PREDICTIX