Unravel the complexity in mental health prescribing

May 20 // Taliaz CEO interviewed in Forbes
Taliaz CEO Dr. Dekel Taliaz interviewed in Forbes. “We would be in a very different place if we had better access to up-to-date global medical insights”, he says. “Rather than decision makers relying on outdated or irrelevant statistics, they would have the power to make flexible decisions based on real-life conditions.”
Personalizing medicine: Using AI to analyze combinations of genetic and environmental factors
When we decide on which is the right treatment to prescribe to an individual, genetics is one part of the equation – yet, we must also understand the patient’s environment and its role on our health.
Cracking the genetic mysteries in the mental health modern space
By Dekel Taliaz April, 2020// The journey from gene to mental health behavior, like space, is unimaginably complex. Artificial Intelligence algorithms, like GPS tools, provide a route to map the brain’s genetic complexity to develop...
Personalizing the “modern patient’s” mental health care journey
Dekel Taliaz March, 2020// The modern patient is more involved in their health, accessing and creating Big Data like never before. Its analysis by artificial intelligence algorithms will change healthcare as we know it, empowering...
Feb 20 // Product Innovation Winner at Congrès de l’Encéphale 2020 (France’s Brain Congress).
With potentially millions of data points to analyze and consider, this is not something our brain is capable of – especially not in a standard 8-minute doctor-patient consultation. As a solution, Taliaz has combined AI with deep scientific-clinical evidence to develop smart tools that help doctors and the health system provide better care while saving time and money.
A New Era in Brain Research: Applying Big Data approaches and Machine Learning algorithms
By Dekel Taliaz February, 2020// Huge advances in data-driven computational tools can help unlock the brain’s complexities, empowering clinicians to improve decision making and personalize treatment of mental illness. Data is everywhere –...
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