Grounded Research, the research team at Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber
(RDaSH) NHS Foundations Trust, is announcing a ground-breaking collaboration
with Israeli digital health company, Taliaz.

Tel Aviv, Israel, Monday 10th October – World Mental Health Day
RDaSH and Taliaz have entered into a new collaboration to improve mental health treatment by
harnessing Taliaz’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) software platform PREDICTIX, that
offers clinical decision support tools and patient management for psychiatrists and
Taliaz is the first company to move forward rapidly in the UK as a result of Grounded
Research’s participation in a delegation from the Northern Health Science Alliance
(NHSA) to BioMed Israel earlier this year.
Combining medical science with AI, PREDICTIX translates complex genetic,
demographic and clinical patient data into timesaving and cost-saving assessment,
management and prescribing support tools for healthcare providers. PREDICTIX
improves first-time prescribing success, both saving time and costs for the NHS
mental health services.
PREDICTIX today is showing improved efficiencies for providers with 90% of
patients improving after eight weeks by implementing PREDICTIX into the patient
management flow.
The new collaboration addresses the NHSA’s delegation’s aim to explore trends and
breakthrough technologies with Israeli companies that have the potential to shape
the future of the healthcare system, particularly in the world of mental health. The
commercial partnership will allow for the integration of PREDICTIX into the NHS, and
to improve mental health assessment and management. The Biomed Israel
delegation was jointly organised by the Israel Foreign Trade Administration (FTA),
the UK-Israel Tech Hub and the NHSA.
The need for innovation and vital investment in mental health across the North of
England has recently been shown by the NHSA’s Parallel Pandemic report, which
found that mental health in the North was significantly worse than the rest of England
over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a £2bn cost to the country.
Grounded Research Assistant Director, Heather Rice, said: “We are delighted to
announce this collaboration. We hope in time it will make a real difference to the
ability of professionals to prescribe immediately and effectively at the point of
care. We are especially pleased that the collaboration will be putting mental health
on the map in this exciting and innovative area of medicine,
potentially revolutionising mental health assessment and management.”
“We in Grounded Research are active and enthusiastic members of the NHSA and
we are glad that a strong relationship between Israel and the North of England
has been developed by NHSA. We know that our collaboration with Taliaz puts us in
a good position to support the Parallel Pandemic report’s recommendations and
support people across the North with mental health problems.”
“The World Health Organization estimates that there is a four-fold return on digital
solutions for mental health in improved health and productivity”, said Dekel Taliaz,
CEO and Co-founder of Taliaz. “This new partnership, focussing on improving the
effectiveness and utility of mental health prescribing, has the potential to help
hundreds of thousands of patients in the RDaSH area and a population of 17 million
in the North of England alone. We are looking forward to expanding our efforts in the
Ben Martyn, Cluster Development Manager at the NHSA said: “This collaboration
between Taliaz and RDaSH is recognition of the amazing clinical and research
strengths we have here in the North of England and specifically the excellence of the
grounded research team. Taliaz’s innovative solution will deliver real benefit for
patients here and shows that there is global interest in investing in the North. The
NHSA will continue to bring cutting edge solutions to health problems to the UK and
keep the North firmly as a global leader in the research, development and evaluation
of health technologies.”
For further information
Adiel Levin, Taliaz – [email protected]
Matt Beer in Grounded Research on [email protected]
Communications Team at Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS
Foundation Trust, on 01302 796204 or [email protected]
About RDaSH and Grounded Research
The Grounded Research Team is the research team at RDaSH. It has
dedicated research staff, including medics, nurses, pharmacy and clinical
studies officers, with the skills needed for swift set up and smooth delivery of
trials. The team are winners of the Nursing Times Clinical Research Nursing
Award 2019 and Winner of ‘Research Team of the Year’ 2022, from the
National Institute for Health and Care Research Clinical Research Network.
RDaSH provides a range of mental health, learning disability, drug and
alcohol services and community health services across Rotherham,
Doncaster and North Lincolnshire. Services include Improving Access to
Psychological Therapies (IAPT).
About Taliaz
Taliaz is revolutionising mental health treatment and management with
PREDICTIX. Combining science with AI, PREDICTIX translates complex
genetic, demographic and clinical patient data into a time-saving assessment,
prescribing support and management tool for healthcare providers.
PREDICTIX improves treatment prescribing accuracy and can save 12% in
mental health costs. PREDICTIX is currently available for commercial use in
the European Union, United Kingdom, Australia and Israel. Learn more at