Hear from leading psychiatrists
talking about PREDICTIX

Trusted by

Dr. Bruno Millet, MD
Director Psychiatric Department, Hospital de la Pitie-Salpetriere (APHP) and Professor of Psychiatry, Paris-Sorbonne University, France
“PREDICTIX main advantages, first it is an aid to clinician’s therapeutic choices… …but I would say that also the second thing that strikes me is its ease of use. And lastly, the therapeutic tool is offered with very few constraints to the patient… I can tell you that it seems to be the perfect guide towards the most appropriate therapeutic choice.”
Dr Adil Jawad MBBS; DPM, FRCPsych
Consultant Psychiatrist, Napean Hospital, Australia & Deputy Regional Advisor, South East England, Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK
“…a gentlemen who had been on four or five antidepressants which caused a lot of side effects that he couldn’t tolerate. The test report identified an antidepressant which I would not have thought of, simply because the ones he had been on were much more potent, whereas the one the test identified, Sertraline, is relatively less potent – To my utter surprise, he showed great improvement.”
Dr. Bertrand Saudreau, MD
Psychiatrist, Hospital de la Pitie-Salpetriere (APHP), France
“I was very enthusiastic about working with this new tool, firstly out of scientific curiosity because it is a tool that handles pharmacogenetic concepts and also machine learning which is very interesting and enriching and the experience I have with several patients has been very positive.”
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+972 (0)77 335 2506
Shacham St. 3, BSR City, Building Y, 10th Floor, Petah Tikva, Israel
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