Unravel the complexity in mental health prescribing

Feb 18 // Taliaz highlighted within the Israeli AI Healthcare Landscape 2018
Artificial intelligence is becoming more prevalent in healthcare. The potential to save lives and money through AI-assisted efficiencies in clinical trials, research, the hospital setting, and decision-making in the doctor’s office is immense. Star Tree Ventures Ltd selects Taliaz as one of the Israeli companies anticipated to disrupt healthcare with AI in 2018.
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: 2017 accomplishments and what’s next in 2018
By Dekel Taliaz January, 2018 // 2017 has seen the Big Giants enter the healthcare space and outstanding start-up innovations. Yet integration within clinical practice has been slow. Will 2018 deliver on 2017’s promise? I read at the...
Biological “Big Brother” or sensor pill to help mental health patients?
By Dekel Taliaz November, 2017 // For mental health patients, the combination of personalized treatment alongside a digital sensor to track medication uptake could drastically improve compliance and save lives. Yet, uncontrolled access to...
Jun 17 // Israeli Innovation Authority Delegation to BIO san diego
Israeli Innovation featured at BIO San Diego 2017 June 2017 // As part of the Israeli delegation to the BIO Show in San Diego, the world's largest biotech event, Taliaz displayed innovations in the fields of: personalized medicine for...
Jun 17 // Taliaz featured as one of Israel’s Digital Health innovation leaders
As a leading body in Israel assisting startups in the healthcare sector in transferring their ideas to the market, the Israel Innovation Authority also supports global corporations interested in collaborating with Israeli technology and Israeli companies seeking new markets abroad.
May 17 // Already measured your personal health suit?
As a personalized medicine startup that has developed PREDICTIX, a game-changing AI-driven algorithm to help psychiatrists and GPs improve mental health prescribing success, while saving time and reducing costs, Taliaz is honoured to be featured in the Israel Innovation Authority magazine.
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+972 (0)77 335 2506
Shacham St. 3, BSR City, Building Y, 10th Floor, Petah Tikva, Israel
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Let's help patients recover sooner with PREDICTIX