Unravel the complexity in mental health prescribing

Oct 20 // Hillel’s Tech Corner with Taliaz in the Jerusalem Post
Since 2015, an Israeli start-up called Taliaz is overcoming this challenge. Neuroscientist Dr. Dekel Taliaz, together with his brother Oren, founded the company and gave it the siblings’ family name, Taliaz. Its mission is to empower doctors and patients with artificial intelligence to improve the assessment, management and prescribing success in mental health disorders. In other words, to support doctors to prescribe the right medication the first time and help minimize or remove today’s painful trial and error period.
Treating psychiatric disorders Using AI to better understand the brain
Dekel Taliaz October, 2020// Our brain’s fundamental purpose is to survive – to navigate the survival mechanisms of longevity for our organism, and procreation for our species. Psychiatric disorders may be a result of these survival...
AI-Powered Personalized Medicine – The Predictix Story So Far
Dekel Taliaz September, 2020// Over the past 6 months, we have been on a journey introducing the huge medical opportunities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in personalized medicine. The future is quite clear – AI-powered applications are...
Don’t let technology blind you – follow the question to innovate
Dekel Taliaz August, 2020// The healthcare sector is buzzing with AI and Blockchain technology excitement. Yet, will they be our salvation or are they limiting our abilities to innovate? With research success driven by grants and...
The future of clinical research: AI personalized, real-world studies
By Dekel Taliaz July , 2020 // Data is all around us, and applying AI to make sense of this information, is changing the way we live, work and interact with our family, friends, and work colleagues on a daily basis. When it comes to...
The future of depression therapy: Understanding the role of genetics
Dekel Taliaz June, 2020// Depression is the world’s leading cause of disability according to the World Health Organization, but we know little about the pathology behind it. Do genes play a role in depression? What about our environmental...
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