Unravel the complexity in mental health prescribing

Mar 19 // Taliaz highlighted in Forbes
The digitization project will enable patients to receive personalized medical treatment. By using smart, computerized systems, the treating physician can apply the knowledge learnt from treating a large number of patients as a tool for decision-making and individualized treatment, based on the patient’s individual needs.
Mar 19 // Taliaz and Psychiatry UK Launch New Online Service
Taliaz and Psychiatry UK Launch New Online Service to Provide Innovative Artificial Intelligence-Genetic Testing to Depression Sufferers.
Online medically-managed Predictix genetic testing service aims to reduce patient suffering by helping psychiatrists personalize antidepressant medication sooner.
Jan 19 // Taliaz selected by Deloitte as one of Digital Trials
Taliaz’s breakthrough AI-driven personalized medicine solution is highlighted in a new report by Deloitte’s Innovation Tech Terminal, which assists the industry with a digital transformation of clinical trials. According to the report and landscape, Israeli startups are shaping the future of clinical trials.
Dec 18 // Taliaz featured in Takeda’s Med Talk podcast
Listen to our CEO, Dekel Taliaz and Vice Chairman of the Brain Technologies Association share further insight into Taliaz’s unique holistic approach to personalized medicine in this exciting podcast .
Nov 18 //Taliaz CEO, Dekel Taliaz, invited to present at the Digital Israel Conference
Taliaz CEO, Dekel Taliaz, invited to present at the Digital Israel Conference by the Ministry for Social Equality and Ministry of Health November 2018 // Taliaz shared insights and experience in setting up a new, groundbreaking digital...
Oct 18 // Precision Medicine congress
Using AI and Real World Evidence to Take the Trial and Error out of Prescribing”. Today, less than 50% of patients get prescribed the right treatment the first time. The presentation discussed how using real-world data and artificial intelligence we can better analyze data and learn with the patient to better optimize prescribing success.
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+972 (0)77 335 2506
Shacham St. 3, BSR City, Building Y, 10th Floor, Petah Tikva, Israel
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Let's help patients recover sooner with PREDICTIX